Top 5 Simple and free techniques for an effective brain detox

Due to an overly technological world, our brain is often confronted with an excess of exogenous (from air pollution, medication, poor diet, etc.) and endogenous (overthinking, worry and anxiety) substances.

The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is the liquid that irrigates all the structures of our "thinking box", functioning primarily as a defense — a kind of bubble or safety cushion —, but also as an extremely competent flushing pathway for the excess of toxins that accumulate in the brain.

The problem comes precisely when this amazing drainage system is disrupted.

It is therefore urgent to adapt in our daily lives a handful of simple, domestic rules, which, have always been common practice in some ancient medicines, such as Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

In a nutshell:

1 - Head massage

2 - Rosemary essential oil

3 - Inverted positions

4 - Neti pot

5 - Nasal breathing

1 - Head massage

Who has ever gone to the hairdresser and simply fell asleep while having their hair washed?

Photo by Ivan Samkov:

Through a head massage, we are stimulating strongly, from an energetic point of view, a plethora of meridians and vital points that are located on our scalp.

From a purely physiological, conventional, perspective we are promoting the flow of lymph and CSF.

Thus, whenever you feel tired, or exhausted, a head massage is always recommended. As a bonus, it benefits those who are prone to hair loss.

If you don't have anyone who massages you, you can opt for self-massage or use the very affordable massagers available in the market.

2 - Rosemary essential oil

Organic rosemary essential oil, with proven effects on brain detox, can be used with diffusers or by putting a few drops on the fingertips when massaging the scalp. It has the advantage of improving microcirculation, therefore also helping to treat hair loss. It should not be used by pregnant women, small children, or hypertensive patients.

Foto de Christin Hume on Unsplash 

3 - Inverted positions

In yoga there are several positions where we stand with our head down, increasing the blood flow to the brain. This will promote the circulation of the two systems that do not have their own pumping “engine” — the lymphatic and the cerebrospinal systems —, providing an effective brain detox.

Photo by Cliff  Booth:

Another solution is to purchase an inversion table, but this requires a bit of investment and some storage space. This alternative has the additional advantage of being able to stretch the spine by eliminating the action of gravitational force, relieving tension, and decompressing the intervertebral joints. You can even get taller…

To perform this technique one should not have any kind of underlying eye, hypertension, or heart conditions nor history of strokes.

4 - Neti pot

While medical science is still debating the most accurate theories around human physiology involving the flow and efflux of CSF, more and more evidence is emerging pointing to the probable nose-brain interface (Mehta et al., 2022). Such evidence only strengthens the uses of ancient practices, such as nasal showering with a neti pot.

A good alternative is commercial sterile seawater sprays or saline solution vials.

Those who are braver can opt for a nasal shower by sniffing filtered water into each nostril when showering. The salt-free water “stings” a little bit more in the mucosa, however, the method is not only effective, but also a lot less expensive, and avoids generating too much waste.

Photo by Maria Eduarda Loura  Magalhães:

5 - Nasal breathing

When we do powerful nasal breathing, we are stimulating, through the passage of air, the blood circulation in the paranasal sinuses. These structures, full of blood and lymph vessels, have a close relationship with the glymphatic (glial + lymphatic) system, which also promotes brain detox.

A very simple technique is to do, once a day, while sitting comfortably on the floor or a chair, with no objects or furniture around you, 30 quick, deep breaths through the nose for 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds of normal nasal breathing. You will feel a little dizzy at first, due to the excess of oxygenation, but everything returns to normal once you resume normal breathing.

This technique requires, however, that you have no underlying medical condition, and that you be very careful not to pass out and hit your head on the floor or any surrounding object.

Photo by Ivan Samkov:

In conclusion, we need to realize first that none of these techniques will work fully unless we follow some basic health rules, such as engaging in healthy amounts of physical activity and rest. These habits, such as restorative sleep, particularly the slow wave phases, play a fundamental role in regulating CSF clearance.

A correct diet, full of fresh vegetables and antioxidant fruits and sparse on processed foods, well supplemented with omega-3 fish oils, in particular EPA and DHA, will make cell membranes more flexible, allowing good drainage and delaying the onset of mental and neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease.


Disclaimer: All advice given does not dispense proper medical advice.


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